
#include <Luna/Runtime/Variant.hpp>

Variant is a dynamic typed object that stores data in a schema-less (self-described) manner. Variant is used as a general way of representing data for purposes like serialization and deserialization.

Variant type

The type of one Variant is represented by VariantType enumeration and can be fetched by calling type method. Luna SDK supports the following variant types:

  1. Null
  2. Number
  3. String
  4. Boolean
  5. BLOB
  6. Pointer
  7. Array of variants
  8. Associated array of variants

Null variant

Variant can be null, which represents the absence of value for the variant object. Calling type of one null variant returns VariantType::null, and calling valid of one null variant returns false.

Number variant

Number variant contains one number of integer or floating-point type. The number type of one number variant is represented by VariantNumberType enumeration and can be fetched by calling number_type method. If the variant object is not a number type, NumberType::not_number will be returned.

The number value of the variant can be fetched by calling unum, inum and fnum methods, each of them returns the underlying number in specified format with implicit type conversion when needed. If the variant type is not VariantType::number, 0 or 0.0 will be returned.

One variant can be set to number by assigning it with one integer or floating-point value or instance.

String variant

String variant contains one single string represented by a Name object. You can fetch the underlying string of one variant by calling str() method, which returns one empty string if the type of the variant is not VariantType::string. We also provide c_str method to fetch the string buffer quickly, which will return "" if the variant is not VariantType::string.

One variant can be set to string by assigning it with one Name instance, one String instance, one string literal, or one zero-terminated c8* pointer instance.

Boolean variant

Boolean variant contains only two kinds of values: true and false. The Boolean value of one variant can be fetched by calling boolean method, which returns false if the variant is not VariantType::boolean.

One variant can be set to Boolean by assigning it with one bool value or instance.

BLOB Variant

BLOB variant contains one single binary large object. The data, size and alignment of the data can be fetched by calling blob_data, blob_size and blob_alignment methods. Note that Variant does optimizations for small blob data, so the blob data is not necessary represented by Blob. You may detach the blob data from the variant by calling blob_detach, which returns the blob data as a Blob object, and the variant will contain one empty blob after this operation.

One variant can be set to pointer by assigning it with one Blob value or instance.

Pointer Variant

Pointer variant contains one type-less user pointer. The pointer is stored as-is and can be fetched by calling pointer method, which returns nullptr if the variant is not VariantType::pointer.

One variant can be set to pointer by assigning it with one pointer value or instance.

Array of variants

Array variant contains one array of Variant objects, which acts as sub-objects of the current object. Note that Variant does optimizations for small array, so the array data is not necessary represented by Vector<Variant>.

Associated array of variants

Associated array variant contains one set of Variant objects, which acts as sub-objects of the current object. Unlike array variants, objects in associated array variant are indexed by Name objects, and does not have a particular order. Note that Variant does optimizations for small array, so the array data is not necessary represented by HashMap<Name, Variant>.

For both array variants and associated array variants, size method returns the number of sub-objects in the array, and empty method returns true if size() returns 0. The user can use subscript syntaxes ([]) to fetch elements in array variants ([N]) and associated array variants (["Name"]), if the specified element does not exist, one null variant will be returned. Using subscript syntaxes for variants with incorrect types always return null objects.

Variant differential

#include <Luna/Runtime/VariantDiff.hpp>

Luna SDK comes with one variant differential library that computes and patches variant differences. diff_variant calculates the difference between before and after variant objects, and returns the difference as another variant object called diff object. patch_variant_diff applies diff object to before variant object to reproduce after object, and reverse_variant_diff removes the diff object from after object to reproduce before object. These functions are useful for implementing data versioning and undo/redo operations.

JSON encoding

#include <Luna/Runtime/VariantJSON.hpp>

Luna SDK comes with one JSON encoding/decoding library for Variant objects. json_write encodes one Variant to one JSON text stream, while json_read decodes one JSON text stream to one Variant object.

When performing JSON encoding, Variant of VariantType::pointerwill be ignored, and Variant with VariantType::blob will be encoded using Base64 encoding format.