Math Library

Luna SDK comes with a math library that contains most math types and functions commonly-used in 3D applications. The math library contains the following parts:

#include <Luna/Runtime/Math/Math.hpp> // For basic math types and functions.
#include <Luna/Runtime/Math/Vector.hpp> // For vector types and functions.
#include <Luna/Runtime/Math/Matrix.hpp> // For matrix types and functions.
#include <Luna/Runtime/Math/Quaternion.hpp> // For Quaternion type and functions.
#include <Luna/Runtime/Math/Transform.hpp> // For transform operations.

The math library use SIMD instructions for vector and matrix calculations when possible. If SIMD instructions are not available on the target platform, we also have non-SIMD implementations for all math operations for compatibility. The SIMD instructions support of math library includes support of SSE/SSE2, SSE3, SSE4, AVX, AVX2, FMA3 and SVML instruction sets on x86/x64 processors, and NEON instruction set on arm/arm64 processors.


#include <Luna/Runtime/Math/Vector.hpp>

Float2, Float3 and Float4 represent 2D, 3D and 4D vectors. These three types are 16-bytes aligned for maximizing SIMD performance. Luna SDK also provides unaligned vector types, these types are Vec2U<T>, Vec3U<T> and Vec4U<T>. The unaligned types are used mainly for storing and transferring vectors, such types should be converted to aligned types before they can be used for calculations. Luna SDK also defines Float2U, Int2U, UInt2U, Float3U, Int3U, UInt3U, Float4U, Int4U, UInt4U as aliasing types of Vec2U<T>, Vec3U<T>, Vec24U<T> for convenience. Components of these vector types can be fetched by their x, y, z and w properties.

Aligned vector types can be compared(== and !=), added (+), subtracted (-), multiplied (*) and divided (/) like normal scalar types. These calculations are performed as performing the same calculation on each component element of the vector individually. When performing mathematical calculations between vector types and scalar types, the scaler number will be applied to all components of the vector.

Luna SDK defines a series of functions to perform basic vector calculations. All these functions provide overloaded versions for handling 2D, 3D and 4D vector types. The following table lists all vector functions.

Function Description
in_bounds(a, min, max) Tests if a is in [min, max] bounds.
length(a) Returns the length of vector a.
length_squared(a) Returns the squared length of vector a. This is faster than length.
dot(a, b) Returns the dot product of vector a and vector b.
cross(a, b) Returns the cross product of vector a and vector b.
normalize(a) Returns the normalized vector of vector a.
clamp(a, min, max) Clamps vector a in [min, max] range.
distance(a, b) Returns the Euclidean distance from vector a to vector b.
distance_squared(a, b) Returns the squared Euclidean distance from vector a to vector b. This is faster than `distance.
min(a, b) Returns one vector composed by the smaller component of each component in a and b.
max(a, b) Returns one vector composed by the larger component of each component in a and b.
lerp(a, b, t) Performs Linear interpolation between vector a and vector b according to one scalar factor t.
smoothstep(a, b, t) Performs Smoothstep between vector a and vector b according to one scalar factor t.
barycentric(a, b, c, x, y) Performs Barycentric triangle interpolation using three vector points a, b, c according to two scalar factors x and y.
catmull_rom(a, b, c, d, t) Performs Catmull-Rom spline interpolation using four vector points a, b, c, d according to one scalar factor t.
hermite(a, t1, b, t2, t) Performs Cubic Hermite spline interpolation using two vector points a, b, two vector tangents t1, t2 according to one scalar factor t.
reflect(i, n) Computes the reflection vector of the incident vector i using the normal vector n.
refract(i, n, r) Computes the refraction vector of the incident vector i using the normal vector n and refraction index r.


#include <Luna/Runtime/Math/Matrix.hpp>

Float3x3 and Float4x4 represent 3x3 and 4x4 32-bit floating-point matrices. These two types are 16-bytes aligned for maximizing SIMD performance. Luna SDK also provides unaligned matrix types, these types are Float3x2U, Float3x3U, Float4x3U and Float4x4U. The unaligned types are used for storing and transferring matrices, and should be converted to aligned types (Float3x2U to Float3x3, Float4x3U to Float4x4) before they can be used for calculation. Rows in one matrix can be fetched by the m property of the matrix type, which is an array of Float3 or Float4 for Float3x3 and Float4x4, or an two-dimensional f32 array for any unaligned matrix type.

Aligned matrix types can be compared(== and !=), added (+), subtracted (-), multiplied (*) and divided (/) like normal scalar types. These calculations are performed as performing the same calculation on each component element of the matrix individually. When performing mathematical calculations between matrix types and scalar types, the scaler number will be applied to all components of the matrix.

Luna SDK defines a series of functions to perform basic matrix calculations. All these functions provide overloaded versions for handling different matrix types. The following table lists all matrix functions.

Function Description
mul(a, b) Performs matrix multiplication between a and b, where a and b can be vector or matrix types.
determinant(m) Computes determinant of one matrix m.
transpose(m) Computes the transpose matrix of one matrix m.
inverse(m) Computes the inversed matrix of one matrix m.


#include <Luna/Runtime/Math/Quaternion.hpp>

Quaternion represents one Quaternion that can be used to represent a rotating operation in 3D space. Every Quaternion contains four f32 components, and is 16-bytes aligned for maximizing SIMD performance. The user can convert one Quaternion to Float4U for storing and transferring the Quaternion.

Quaternion can be compared(== and !=), added (+), subtracted (-), multiplied (*) and divided (/) like normal scalar types. The addition and subtraction behavior of one Quaternion is the same as those of Float4. The multiplication operation concatenates two Quaternions, while the division operation decomposes one Quaternion into two.

Luna SDK defines a series of functions to perform Quaternion calculations. The following table lists all Quaternion functions.

Function Description
length(q) Returns the length of one Quaternion. Same as length for Float4.
length_squared(q) Returns the squared length of one Quaternion. Same as length_squared for Float4.
normalize(q) Normalizes one Quaternion. Same as normalize for Float4.
conjugate(q) Computes the conjugate of one Quaternion.
inverse(q) Computes the inverse of one Quaternion.
dot(q1, q2) Computes the dot product of two Quaternions q1 and q2. Same as dot for Float4.
lerp(q1, q2, t) Performs linear interpolation on two Quaternions q1 and q2 according to one scalar factor t.
slerp(q1, q2, t) Performs spherical linear interpolation on two Quaternions q1 and q2 according to one scalar factor t.


#include <Luna/Runtime/Math/Transform.hpp>

The transform header file does not include any new type. Instead, it defines a set of functions that can be useful for constructing affine matrices and projection matrices that are used in 2D and 3D transformations.

Affine matrix operations

2D affine matrices and 3D affine matrices are presented by Float3x3 and Float4x4. The +x axis of one affine matrix points to right, the +y axis of one affine matrix points to top, the +z axis of one affine matrix points to forward.

The following table lists all functions for operating affine matrices. All functions are declared in AffineMatrix namespace.

Function Description
make(p, r, s) Constructs one 2D or 3D affine matrix from position vector p, rotation scalar or Quaternion r and scaling vector s.
up(m) Extracts the up vector from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
down(m) Extracts the down vector from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
left(m) Extracts the left vector from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
right(m) Extracts the right vector from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
forward Extracts the forward vector from one 3D affine matrix.
backward Extracts the backward vector from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
translation(m) Extracts the translation vector from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
rotation(m) Extracts the rotation scalar or Quaternion from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
euler_angles(m) Extracts the rotation vector that uses stores the rotation in Euler angles (pitch, yaw, roll) from one 3D affine matrix.
scaling(m) Extracts the scaling vector from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
translation_matrix(m) Extracts the translation matrix from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
rotation_matrix(m) Extracts the rotation matrix from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
scaling_matrix(m) Extracts the scaling matrix from one 2D or 3D affine matrix.
make_translation(t) Constructs one 2D or 3D translation matrix from position vector p.
make_rotation(r) Constructs one 2D or 3D rotation matrix from rotation scalar or Quaternion r.
make_rotation_x(r) Constructs one 3D rotation matrix that represents one rotation alone x axis.
make_rotation_y(r) Constructs one 3D rotation matrix that represents one rotation alone y axis.
make_rotation_z(r) Constructs one 3D rotation matrix that represents one rotation alone z axis.
make_rotation_axis_angle(axis, angle) Constructs one 3D rotation matrix by specifying the rotation axis and rotation angle.
make_rotation_euler_angles Constructs one 3D rotation matrix from Euler angles (pitch, yaw, roll).
make_scaling(s) Constructs one 2D or 3D scaling matrix from scaling vector s.
make_look_at(eye, target, up) Constructs one view matrix that targets the specified position.
make_look_to(eye, dir, up) Constructs one view matrix that targets the specified direction.

Projection matrix operations

The following table lists all functions for operating projection matrices. All functions are declared in ProjectionMatrix namespace.

Function Description
make_perspective(width, height, near_z, far_z) Constructs a perspective projection matrix using width and height of the frustum.
make_perspective_fov(fov, aspect_ratio, near_z, far_z) Constructs a perspective projection matrix using field-of-view and aspect_ratio of the frustum.
make_perspective_off_center(left, right, bottom, top, near_z, far_z) Constructs a perspective projection matrix using offsets of the four sides of the frustum from the camera center.
make_orthographic(width, height, near_z, far_z) Constructs a orthographic projection matrix using width and height of the frustum.
make_orthographic_off_center(f32 left, f32 right, f32 bottom, f32 top, f32 near_z, f32 far_z) Constructs a orthographic projection matrix using offsets of the four sides of the frustum from the camera center.